U-Nail 0.5kg

KSh 150.00

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a type of fastener that has a U-shaped design, resembling a staple but with longer legs. These nails are commonly used in woodworking, construction, and other applications where fastening is required. The “0.5kg” specification likely refers to the weight of the nails, indicating that the package contains 0.5 kilograms (or approximately 500 grams) of U-Nails.

Here’s some additional information about U-Nails:

  1. Design: U-Nails feature a U-shaped design with two long, straight legs and a curved or rounded bottom. This shape allows them to be driven into a surface and hold materials together securely.
  2. Materials: U-Nails are typically made from steel wire, which provides strength and durability. The wire may be plain steel or coated with a protective finish such as galvanization to prevent corrosion.


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