4’Wire Nail Bag 50kg

KSh 9,500.00

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e a common type of nail used in construction and carpentry. They are typically made from drawn wire, which is then cut and shaped into nails of various lengths and thicknesses. Here’s some information about wire nails:

  1. Material: Wire nails are usually made from steel wire, which is drawn to the desired thickness and then cut to length. The steel used is often low carbon steel, which provides strength and durability.
  2. Types: Wire nails come in various types and sizes, depending on their intended use. Common types include common nails, finishing nails, roofing nails, and concrete nails. Each type is designed for specific applications, with differences in length, thickness, and head style.
  3. Manufacturing Process: The manufacturing process for wire nails involves drawing steel wire through a series of dies to reduce its diameter to the desired size. The wire is then cut to the appropriate length and formed into nails using a heading machine. After forming, the nails may undergo additional processes such as coating or galvanizing for corrosion resistance.


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